I love to keep journals, but I absolutely suck with this blog. I did make a promise in group today that I would work on this blog this weekend. So here goes!!!
QUICK OVERVIEW OF THE PAST TWO YEARS...(warning...may be long)
So, July 24th 2018, my life really changed. After 2 years of working hard on losing from 296 down to 175, I endured emergency open back surgery. My L5-S1 disk slipped and pinned my nerves and spinal cord on my left side. We were not 100% sure of what damage had been done and while they said I may walk fine again, running would most likely be years off for me. I was crushed. Running had become my life! It was a huge part of my arsenal for my weight loss. It was one of my favorite things to do! I decided to just go with the flow and see what happens. The surgery was good. I did not get any hardware installed and he said I had degenerative disk disease.
I was sent home to heal. This process was grueling. Being sent home to 8 children and no help was okay. I managed and they actually stepped up and did a lot around the house. As weeks went by I got stronger and more confident that things were going to be good!
Then, October 10, 2018, Hurricane Michael hit our city, head on, with the fury of what can only ne described as apocalyptic. That day forever changed our lives here in Bay county. We lived in a cinderblock home. The walls held up, mostly, but our roof ripped off, windows broke, water poured in around us, another wall crumbled...it was devastating.
We ended up losing 90% of what we owned. Fema was absolutely zero help.
It is now almost 2 years later and our family is still seperated and waiting on the labdlords to finish the home. They are amazing landlords and have done so much to tey and help, but they are in the same situation.
Tha pandemic started in February, 2020. This has the entire world crippled. I keep wondering if this is just a dream. 🥺
A few weeks back, I ended up in the e.r. I kept feeling a strange tingly feeling come over me, from head to toe, my heart would race, I got dizzy, I felt pure death and doom. I just knew I was dying.
Once in the e.r. blood work, scans, exams...found nothing major. I was anemic. My potassium was off. But my heart was fine. I was sent home. Between Aug 19th and Sept 14, I have been in the e.r. six times. Along the way a few minor things have been found. But the doctor told me, I had a nervous breakdown. These were panic attacks and I had severe anxiety.
Everyday has been a struggle! I can not believe stess has done this to me. But I am a fighter. I have a few health issues I am facing and praying turn out okay. But my body has wore out with the stress.
I made the decision to seek help. I found an amazing place that talked to me and gave me options.
I chose a very intensive therapy and just began it this week. We had another hurricane side swipe us for 2 days, so, this came at the perfect time.
I am going to keep this documented. (I know, I keep saying that lol) I have books of journals I have kept and so great with them, but am adding this blog as I feel mental health is so important, just as physical health. I did so much to get my physical health in order and neglected my mind. Here is where I get my life back! Right now.
I invite you to peek into my daily life. I am hoping to reach others out there and inspire.
If you are feeling hopeless, or that this world would be nothing without you, please think again. Seek help. CALL 1-800-273-8255. 💙💙💙💙