Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Wow. It has been a busy week! Got a lot done with appointments and school started back up. With homeschooling, it is not as stressful as it is for you parents that have to buy uniforms, school clothes, supplies and the like. We are a bit more laid back. I buy my supplies every year when things are on clearance. I usually get much more than I need. So we have plenty for the entire year with no worries. The dress code is pretty simple here and for meals, it is where our pockets get hit hardest. We go through a lot of food and snacks for 8 kids. All the way down to the baby does some form of school work. We count, ABC, and draw and do art. The older ones stay on track with work books and additional work I find and give them. lol It is a lot. Nik has a lot of upcoming appointments and we are trying to buy a new home. A bigger place. I am not sure how we will do it all but we will. Somehow things will work out for us. So I am letting that go and doing what I do best...go with the flow. I am also working on my other book. I have gone back and forth and now it is time to finish this. I need to promote my other book as well. I have more copies if anyone wants one, hit me up =) More to come this week as we begin the new adventure with Nik and his therapy for ASD. Follow me and keep up with us! Hope everyone in Isaac's path is staying safe! And glad we got to dodge that bullet. Until later...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Topic of the week shall be...

Okay, this week it is going to be autism. I chose this topic to start because I have child with ASD and it is important for this awareness. Today a social worker came to talk to us about Nik's therapy he will be starting. We have been fighting this for 6 years and finally we are going in the right direction. I have been told several times (by a doctor, a therpist and a few other professionals) that Nik seems to have some ASD going on. Just not sure exactly how bad, what part of the spectrum and so on. Well now we are on our way to getting answers and finally getting help. The meltdowns are the hardest part, as is the emotionless stares and reactions. I have shared some of my story in a previous blog posting. So now it is your turn. Share your story. If you have an autistic child (or loved one) please share with us your story of this beautiful being! These children (an adults even) are special on another level. But this seems to be happening more and more to our children. Let's get the awareness out there. Share tips, stories and just vent if need be. Pass this blog along and I promise you will not get bored. I have so much to talk about... =) Until next time!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Time for mommy...

Okay mama' many of you actually take some time out for yourself? After a long day of cooking, cleaning, working, homeschooling, laundry, playing with the kids...however you spend your day as mama... what do you do for you? Hhow do you keep your supermommypower? here are some tips for making more of the little time you get...alone.
First off, once kidlets are in bed, what do you do? Finish dishes? School work, work you brought home? Do you mop? Do you find yourself looking around overwhelmed wondering what you need to do first? This is your que mama's!!
Drop whatever it is your are doing! (I promise it won't go anywhere, who else is going to do it?)
Go find your iPod, tablet, whatever you enjoy, then go run some bathwater, add some lavendar oil, or your fave essential oil, light a few candles and RELAX!!!
Even if you only read a couple of chapters, or meditate for five minutes or lay there and just not think....DO IT!
It is important that mama is happy, rested and relaxed. IDK about ya'll but when I am stressed, my kidlets know! and they act out even more.
So...I want you ladies to share your tips on here. Tell us what you do to relax and unwind and recharge your supermom status. And if you do nothing, start tonight!!
Take care my mama's! More to come...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Living with a disabled child

I know I am not the only one out there. I have read many stories and felt as though I could have written them myself. Having a child is not the easiest job in the world and when you are given a special gift it makes your job even harder. The doctors appts, the medications, the trips out of town to all takes a toll. and that is just the beginning.
Parents need an outlet, other parents to talk to, a place to meet and breathe. So through my experience (and since I have not found one here in town as yet), I am thinking of starting a group where parents can meet locally, we can have playdates and learn from eachother, support eachother and just be there for eachother.
My son has complicated epilepsy, asperger's (about to find out if it is more as he had only been diagnosed by a pedi), severe asthma and allergies and something wrong with his immune system which we will soon get more answers for as well. So I am looking for parents who live in and around panama city who would like to try this. And if one for these things already exists, please let me know! I really need other's to talk to. It has been over 6 years and while we are finally getting answers and understanding more, this is far from easy.
Also, things people outside of my family can do ius, be there for us. We have 8 children. Yes, that is a lot. Yes we know how they are made... We did not expect to have a child with issues as a lot of his are from his birth itself. You just do not plan your life thinking of these things. Can you imagine if we did? We would live in such fear and not even have children. This is a chance you take. So when people are hateful, it hurts. We have been through hell, are in hell with no sight of getting out anytime soon. SO much is going a little help would be nice. Everyone has their problems, yes. I try and be there for others, no matter what. But sometimes I need someone. Sometimes I need to cry and mourn my birth, and feel upset and angry because this happened. Just once in a while I need to let go and feel.
I spend so much time blocking out how I feel and stay strong so that I can keep going and make things happen for him. My husband does so much, I do not want to put more on him...
please understand how hard this is and put yourself in our shoes...for one moment and realize I space out sometimes, I am sleep deprived and doing all I can to make things better for all involved. To top everything off we have some crazy ish going on lately and now having to find a new place to live. I am stressed, I am human. I am not ignoring anyone and I am trying to make a living and everything else that my husband and I do...
not exactly sure where I was going with this post...seems it turned more into a vent. I am exhausted. Please share this blog with others, get the word out. More to come.