Friday, July 12, 2013

changing more and more...

While in the midst of my metamorphosis I am finding more and more out about myself. It is amazing...when you remove things (or people) from your core...clear yourself and just be, you can find out who it is you really are. NO ONE should define you. NO ONE should control how you feel. Ever. And for too long I allowed that. In that, I lost who I was. I love myself. I really do! I used to hate myself. But see, it wasn't me I hated, it was the fact I let someone hurt me, remove all I loved about myself and cause me to become something I am not. I am not there yet, but I have come so far and now, there is no turning back. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


In the midst of letting go of all which does not serve me, I have found myself. I have realized that while change is scary it is often necessary to transform inside and out. Letting go of people is not easy to do but something we have to do when those people do not want us in their lives or their hearts. Moving on and realizing you are worth all the love and adoration, time and energy you placed into another human is very rewarding. I still have so far to go, but I am moving in the right direction and it truly feels good to know that my story has just begun and while I am not in total control of what happens, I am in control of how I choose to react and which way I choose to go.
I felt like I was suffocating for so long and I finally feel free and a spark of happiness. I won't lie and say I am totally happy, because lying to you or myself benefits none. But I feel that spark and there is so much more to come!
Until next time...